
模仿文本: Like most food writers I've loved Elizabeth David's work. But most of the last generation of food lovers seems to regard her as a saint with an unquestioning, almost cult-like enthusiasm. As a result she's a terrifically dominant presence in our food culture, probably the biggest single influence on the British food theme. But she was clearly a complicated personality and working in an entirely different era.
译文:跟大多数美食作家一样,我也很喜欢Elizabeth David的书。但是上一代的美食爱好者们似乎都毫无异议地把她当作圣人看待,狂热不已。这样她就成了我们美食文化中最为重要的存在,也许还是英国美食主题中最具有影响力的个人。然而很明显她是个复杂人物,而且属于一个完全不同的时代。