【英音模仿秀】敛财生暗鬼 三尺有青天(在线收听

模仿文本: One of Wall Street's biggest hedge funds - SAC Capital - has agreed to pay $1.8 billion in fines after pleading guilty to insider trading. It's one of the biggest criminal investigations ever carried out against the hedge fund. And yet the boss of the firm, Steven Cohen, has not been charged. BBC's Mariko Oi from New York has been telling me more.
译文:华尔街最大的对冲基金之一 -- SAC资本 -- 在被认定内幕交易之后,已经同意支付18亿美元的罚款。这是迄今SAC资本受到的最大的刑事调查之一。然而该公司老板史蒂文·科恩却没有被起诉。BBC记者大井真理子在纽约为我们带来报道。