
❤ 模仿文本:The scale of the task, facing Hasan Rouhani, doesn't appear to weigh him down, not yet, anyway. During his campaign rallies in June, he waved happily to his supporters and won the election in the first round. Mr Rouhani has promised to find a way of ending his country's isolation. But he has to do so without destroying the nature of the republic he spent decades defending.
❤ 译文:Hasan Rouhan现在所面临的艰巨任务似乎并没有使他不堪重负,至少,目前还没有。在六月的大选集会中,他热情地向他的支持者们挥手并且赢得了第一轮选举。Rouhani先生承诺会为结束国家的分裂状态找出一条解决之道,但这解决方法的前提却是不能破坏这个他保卫了十数年的共和政体的根基。