
模仿文本: The US authorities are thought to be seeking the extradition of a former intelligence analyst from Hong Kong, after he leaked details of a massive secret Internet surveillance operation. They filed a sealed criminal complaint against a former National Security Agency analyst Edward Snowden who's been charged with theft. Our Washington correspondent Katy Watson told me more. 
译文: 美国官方正需求措施从香港引渡中情局前分析员,因为此人涉嫌泄露一个大型的秘密因特网监管项目。他们对美国前国家中情局分析员爱德华•斯诺登实行秘密的刑事诉讼,指控其盗窃。我们华盛顿的记者凯特•华生告诉了我更多的情况。 