
❤ 模仿文本:Let's go back to the beginning of his life. Francisco Guerrero was born in Seville in 1528, presumably into a musical family because his first music lessons were entrusted to his brother Pedro. Young Francisco taught himself to play the viola, harp, cornet and organ. In April 1542, he became alto in the choir of Seville cathedral. And three years after that, he had some lessons from the great master Cristóbal de Morales, now middle-aged and newly returned to Spain after years in Rome.   
❤ 译文:让我们回首一下弗朗西斯科·格雷罗的一生。他1528年生在塞维利亚,据推测他降生于一个音乐世家,因为他的音乐启蒙课是由他的兄弟佩德罗负责的。弗朗西斯科年幼时自学了中提琴,竖琴,短号和管风琴。1542年四月,他成为了塞尔维亚大教堂合唱队里的男高音。三年后,他跟随着大师瓦尔德·莫拉莱斯学习音乐,瓦尔德当时已步入中年,并且刚从寄居多年的罗马回到西班牙。