

  Task 1
  If you are a teacher of a tutor group and you are going to take students to a study trip, where would you take them to? A science museum; A local farm; Or a theatre performance?
  虽然这道题算是新题,但是也很简单 ~ 既然是一个trip, 并且同时又是一个study trip, 学习过程中顺便放松有何不可。
  推荐思路: Theatre
  选择剧院 … …
  If I were about to take a few students to a study trip, I’ll definitely choose the theatre.
  Reason 1:
  首先,开阔眼界 ---- 剧院可以让学生们学习一些跟戏剧相关的知识,对于他们戏剧的类型,表演的形式有一定帮助。
  Reason 2:
  另 外,放松压力 — — 去剧院field trip的同时,也可以让孩子们拓宽视野,放松一下他们平时的学习压力。Take me as an example, 我每天的学业压力比较大,需要deal with tons of homework和每天不同学科的那么多课,还要备考托福,所以在比较stressed out的时候,这样一个去剧院的机会可以,帮助自己很好地减压。
  所以,going to the theatre can be a good idea.
  Personally, I prefer to take the kids to visit the local farm. To begin with, students stay
  indoors most of the time, fortunately, taking a field trip on a farm brings the students closer
  to mother nature, and they can enjoy the breeze on the farm. Plus, there are a lot of funny
  activities on a farm, like taking a hay ride, setting up a bonfire, or even doing some BBQ.
  These kind of activities can be great fun. I bet students can get away from their busy life
  and study and get a chance to relax and unwind.
  Task 2
  Agree or disagree that students should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly?
  推荐思路: 不同意
  学生不应该为了能够更快修满学分而take additional/extra courses
  I disagree that students should take additional courses simply because they can graduate from school as soon as possible.
  Reason 1:
  Reason 2:
  所以,坚持认为学生不应该take additional courses, 如果觉得学有余力可以考虑平时多看看书或者参加活动。
  Personally, I don’t agree with this statement. Instead, I believe students should take their time, and don’t need to be in a hurry to graduate. To begin with, the current job market is pretty tough, frankly, graduating students are competing for very limited vacancies, and I think it is a better idea for them to stay in college to avoid the tough job market. Additionally, school should not encourage early graduation, and the student should take their time and lay a solid foundation for the future job. Actually, the ultimate purpose of entering the college is not to graduate, but it is to find a nice job
  泛听 & 精听 & 录音&每日一题,独立段子 & 综合方法
  Task 3
  学校要把上课时间从8. a.m 调整到 9 a.m,
  1) Make students well rested and better prepared for the classes.
  2) Make professor well prepared for their classes
  Listening:Man disgrees
  Reason 1:
  Students will stay up late if they know they don’t have to get up early the next morning.
  Reason 2:
  Professors will probably get caught in the rush hours in the morning and end up spending more time dealing with heavy traffic. And it’ll be time consuming.
  So the man hopes that the university just let go of this proposal.
  Task 4
  Reading: Negatively bia
  People have many different characteristics but the negative characteristic will impress people stronger than the positive ones.
  e.g. A worker in an insurance campany is hard-working and has great capability. But he’ll lose temper sometimes and once he argued with a coworker. And as it comes to the time of promostion, if the boss asks about the coworker’s opinion towards him, they will concentrate more on his bad temper instead of the good qualities.
  Task 5
  Problem:During the spring break, the women will have to work on her paper and she needs to concentrate. But the roomate is going to bring her friends to the dorm the whole spring break.
  Solution 1 Talk to her roommate
  Disadvantage:It might be improper to say things like this.
  Solution 2Study in the library
  Disadvantage But the school library only opens for a short time during the spring break.
  Task 6
  Biological control of invasive plants.
  1. Less harmful
  通过让insects去吃掉那些invasive plants, 要比使用化学试剂要好。只针对目标五中,不会影响到其他的植物。
  2. Inexpensive
  Insects can reproduce and spread, 所以只需要针对受灾的section使用就可以最后cover the whole area that needs to control the invasive plants. 而用chemical method,对整个地区使用比较昂贵。
  e.g. beatles.