国内对海外奢侈品高需求 中国留学生掀起代购热(在线收听

   A high demand for overseas luxury goods in China has laid the ground for Chinese students studying overseas to sell goods online to China.

  A simple search on taobao.com shows numerous sellers listed as these "onsellers" or daigou, in Chinese.
  They live across the world, mostly in Europe, North America and Asia, on-selling products like cosmetics, garments, luxury products and milk powder.
  Another surprising platform in China for selling online is WeChat, unlike Taobao it is not traditionally a sales platform, but a social media platform.
  Already connected to friends, family and schoolmates back home in China through WeChat, Chinese students abroad can use these connections to spread the product information.
  国内对海外奢侈品高需求 中国留学生掀起代购热
  Liu Xiaomin (not real name) is an exchange student in Italy's Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and frequently sells products online.
  She said that at least 3 of her 10 classmates from China who study with her buy cosmetics and luxuries to on-sell back home.
  Onselling has now become a trend among overseas students as many find it adds to life experience, widens social circles as well as increases income.
  Sending the products home must be done with discretion or the products can be taxed. To avoid this, Liu Xiaomin says the products must appear as if she personally owns them and the original company which helps send it directly to the customers.
  And products can only be sent one at a time so the price will be kept under 5,000 yuan to avoid any tax.