世界名人简介 第134期:J.K.罗琳(在线收听

   J.K. Rowling is the pen name she uses as a writer. The J is for Joanne, her real first name, but she prefers to be called Jo. Apparently, people only call her Joanne when they’re angry with her. The K is made up. Her publisher asked her to write using a name with two initials, but she didn’t have a middle name.

  Jo did a few different things before she struck upon the idea of writing children’s books. She worked as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International and as an English teacher in Portugal. The idea for the Harry Potter novels came from nowhere while she was on a train to London. She said, “The characters and situations came flooding into my head”.
  Seven Potter novels later and Rowling is one of the richest women in the world. In fact, she is the first novelist ever to become a billionaire from writing. Her rags to riches story is a fantasy story in itself. She was on government handouts while writing her first novel. Her last four books broke records for the fastest sellers in literary history.
  Today she devotes much of her time to many charitable causes. She famously demanded that Coca-Cola donate $18 million to the Reading is Fundamental charity if it wanted a tie-up with the Potter movies. The future? In March 2008, she said: "I will continue writing for children because that's what I enjoy".
  如今,她将大部分时间投身于慈善事业。她曾表示,要想拿到波特电影营销权,可口可乐就要先向“阅读是基础”慈善组织捐款1800万美元。那么未来呢?2008年3月,她表示:“我将继续为儿童写书,因为这是我的最爱。” angry with 对某人发脾气
  例句:Consider that the person you may really be angry with is yourself.
  2.tie-up 联系
  例句:The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.
  3.donate to 捐赠
  例句:The professor donated his books to the library.
  4.charitable cause 慈善事业
  例句:Create more taxes for the state, most of the charitable cause more contributions!