
 Say bye to Ex.

Don't Try Getting Your Stuff Back
By the same token, you don't want to tryto get your stuff back. You can't have a relationship relapseif you don’t allowyourself to see your ex. Forget about all that stuff you left at his or herplace. Consider it gone.
Hang With Your Friends
One of the things many guys have to sacrifice when in a committed relationship was spending a lot of time withfriends. Relationships are notorious time-bandits, as being with the personyou're closest to tends to take priority over catching up with your buddies.But now that you're single, you can reconnect witheveryone you left behind. Not only will it be fun, but it will also be therapeutic,because hanging out with your friends is one of the most rewarding of our tipsfor getting over your ex.在对彼此有承诺的爱侣间消磨时间,往往会占用与朋友们维系感情的时间。时间是盗贼,你也背上了见色忘义的罪名。现在你单身了,找回熟悉的狐朋狗友,不仅能收获乐趣,还能帮你治疗情伤,忘记前任。