VOA慢速英语2016 外国社交媒体兴起模仿塑料模特挑战(在线收听

AS IT IS 2016-11-17 Have You Seen the Mannequin Challenge? 外国社交媒体兴起模仿塑料模特挑战

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A mannequin is a plastic model used in clothing stores.


A storeowner puts clothing on the mannequin to show shoppers how the clothing looks on the human body. Unlike a human being that moves, the mannequins stay in one place.


Starting in late October, videos with the hashtag #MannequinChallenge started coming out on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.


The videos show people freezing in place while the camera moves around them. In the background, you sometimes can hear a song called “Black Beatles” by the hip-hop group Rae Sremmurd.

这个视频显示了当人体在某种状态下静止且摄像机围绕他们移动时会出现的画面。你有时可以听到背景音乐,那是由嘻哈组合Rae Sremmurd演唱的《Black Beatles》。

At first, high school students and college sports teams were doing the Mannequin Challenge. One story about the development of the video trend says a Twitter user posted the first Mannequin Challenge video on October 26. It showed some students at a high school in Florida.


Then it started to catch on. Hillary Clinton did a video on her airplane on November 8.


Just two days later, the NBA champion basketball team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, visited President Barack Obama at the White House. While the players were there, they made a Mannequin Challenge video with Michelle Obama.


LeBron James was not perfect, however. He blinked his eyes when the camera passed by. He posed taking a selfie with Michelle Obama.


Other sports teams have done videos, too.


The Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League, or NFL, did a video that showed players talking to media members, along with other locker room scenes.


The challenge seems like fun for the participants and viewers. But not everyone is impressed by them.


For example, the Spanish national soccer team posted a video after its game with England on Tuesday night. During the game, England scored a goal and did the Mannequin Challenge on the field as part of its celebration.


Neither team succeeded in winning the game, which ended in a 2-2 tie.


One sports newspaper from Spain said the video was better than the team's performance on the field.


Words in This Story

blink – v. to close and then open your eyes very quickly

pose –v. to stand, sit or hold some position without moving, often as a model photograph or painting

scene – n. a view or sight that looks like a picture

participant – n. a person who is involved in an activity or event

viewer – n. a person who sees or looks at something
