在美留学生人数破百万 中国生源占三成(在线收听

  A report shows that the number of international students enrolled in US higher educationincreased by 7.1% and topped the 1 million mark for the first time in 2015-16.
  The 2016 Open Doors Report by the Institute of International Education in the US shows thatthe number of international students reached 1,043,839 students in 2015-16, with 69,000more students than the prior year at colleges and universities across the US.
  This marks the 10th consecutive year that Open Doors reported expansion in the total numberof international students in US higher education.
  在美留学生人数破百万 中国生源占三成
  China and India remained the leading countries of origin. China, at 31.5%, has the biggestinternational student presence in the US while India's rate of growth and absolute increasesoutpaced China's.
  For the second year in a row, the largest growth was in the number of students from India.
  Students from the top three countries of origin - China, India, and Saudi Arabia - nowrepresent approximately 53 percent of the total enrollment of international students in theUnited States.
  The numbers from South Korea declined by 4.2 percent, causing it to fall from the third leadingplace of origin to fourth place.