
Garithos:Now, the undead have begun a new _(1)_ to retake Dalaran. Their primary strike force marched south through Silverpine, but we managed to halt its advance at the base of the mountains. 
Prince Kael’thas:My men are ready to fight, milord! When shall we leave for the front? 
Garithos:We will be leaving immediately. But, your people will be staying here. Our scouts report the a second strike force may be heading this way from the east. I need you to repair the outlying observatories so that we can monitor that region. 
Prince Kael’thas:But, milord, ___(2)___, not— 
Garithos:You have your orders, Prince Kael’thas. I trust your elven ears heard them clearly enough. Move out! 
Prince Kael’thas:Insolent son of a … Let’s get this over with! 