
Illidan:Long ago, after Draenor’s explosion, a brutal Pit Lord named Magtheridon rallied the surviving orcs and took control of Outland. Since then, his forces have grown strong. 
Kael’thas:How, master? If most of the orcs were killed when this world exploded, how has he bolstered his _(1)_? 
Illidan:By using the very portals that tore the _(2)_ apart. Many of Ner’zhul’s dimensional gates still stand, young prince. Magtheridon lures scores of hapless demons through them daily. 
Kael’thas:Then we must seal them permanently. 
Illidan:Yes. We will seek out each of the gates and I will close them myself. Once they have been sealed, we will move against Magtheridon’s Black Citadel, and claim Outland as our own. 