美国文化脱口秀 第408期:买!Buy居然有这么多意思!(在线收听


  Double 11: 双11
  Double eleven
  Is your shopping cart full? 大家的购物车都满了吧?
  Your mind is full of "buy, buy, buy": 脑子里也都是“买买买”
  So many great idioms and slangs with the word:
  #1.I don't buy it!
  I don't buy it;I am not buying it: 我不相信
  You don't believe in something: 意思是不相信一件事
  Skeptical: 很怀疑
  I don't buy this whole Double 11 thing: 我对双11这件事很怀疑
  I'm a big movie star in Canada: 我在加拿大是电影明星
  I don't buy it/I'm not buying it: 我才不信呢
  Buy-in (名词):支持
  To buy into something (动词): 支持
  It means to get someone's support: 意思是获得支持
  We need to get corporate/management buy-in: 要有管理层支持
  To get the boss's buy-in: 要得到老板的支持
  To buy into a company: 投资入股一个公司
  To buy someone off: 买通别人
  To bribe them: 贿赂
  #4.Buy your way in
  Buy your way in: 走后门、花钱进去
  Going in the backdoor: 走后门
  To buy your way into college: 花钱走后门进大学
  He bought his way in: 他是花钱走后门进来的
  She bought her way in: 她是花钱走后门进来的
  #5.Buy you a drink
  Can I buy you a drink? 能请你喝杯东西吗?
  Doesn't have to be romantic: 不一定是浪漫关系或者搭讪
  It can be very innocent: 可以很单纯
  It's useful in social networking situations: 社交场合很实用
  You just met someone, you'd like to keep talking to them: 比如刚认识一个人,想多聊几句
  “Can I buy you a drink? ” 我能请你喝一杯吗?
  It' a very natural way to start a conversation and make new freinds: 是开始交谈、交新朋友的好方法
  #6.Buy time
  Buy time: “买时间”
  It means to put things off: 意思是拖延
  Abstract: 抽象的
  I'm coming up with all kinds of excuses to buy some time: 想出很多借口,拖时间
  To hide the real reason: 隐藏真正的原因
  #7.Buy sight unseen
  Buy something sight unseen: 没看到、没摸到,就买了
  It means something is really popular, you need to put your money right there right now: 用来形容特别抢手的东西,要赶紧拿出钱来买
  Housing markets are like this: 比如房子、楼市
  I bought my sweater sight unseen: 我这件毛衣,也是没看到实物,网购的
  Irrational: 不理智的、不理性的
  Rational: 理智的、理性的
  Macro-economics: 宏观经济
  #8.Buy cheap, buy twice
  Buy cheap, buy twice: 便宜没好货,意思是便宜的东西,常会坏,要重买
  It's not "buy one get one free": 不是买一送一
  It means the quality is bad: 意思是质量差
  You get what you pay for: 一分价钱一分货、便宜没好货
  #9.Buy the farm
  Buy the farm means to pass away: 意思是去世
  It's a euphemism: 是一个委婉的说法
  It's not crass: 不是粗鲁、没礼貌的
  "Kick the bucket" is more crass: "Kick the bucket"这个说法就比较粗鲁
  #10.Buyer's remorse
  Buyer's remorse: 买完东西后悔
  You might end up with buyer's remorse after Double 11: 双11过后,很容易有这种后悔的情绪
  "Why did I buy that?" 我怎么会买这个?
  "Shouldn't have done that!": 真不该买
  Remorse means regret: remorse就是后悔、悔恨的意思
  Impulse purchase: 冲动购物