英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1208 - 医生炫富有错吗?(在线收听

Topic 1-China’s central bank steps up efforts to create digital currency
Contactless payments, alipay, WeChat wallet, Apple Pay … the digital world is turning quickly to electronic money, with cheques and now cash on the endangered list. Recently China's central bank decided to also join the club by recruiting experts to develop its official digital currency, indicating that the use of national digital currency is sooner than expected.
Topic 2-Doctor shows off wealth online
Recently, a doctor shares photos of his expensive clothes on weibo, which has triggered controversy online. Is it a show off wealth? Why are internet users furious over the fact that some doctors are rich?
Topic 3-Sleeping position vs health
Do you curl up at night in the fetal position or can you only get to sleep on your back? For most people, the way they lie in bed is deeply ingrained. But research suggests that our choice of sleeping position can seriously affect our health and wellbeing.
Sleep on your front if you want racy dreams: From heartburn to your risk of dementia, odd effects of how you sleep. Research suggests the way we sleep can affect health and wellbeing.  