英语悠选脱口秀 第101期:你来抓我啊(在线收听


  今天要推荐给大家一部美剧,名字叫做《White Collar》
  And the key word in White Collar is Collar
  Collar C-O-L-L-A-R
  The collar of a shirt or coat is the part which fits round the neck.但Collar作为动词,还有另外一层意思,If you collar someone who has done something wrong or who is running away, you catch(抓住) them and hold them so that they cannot escape(逃跑).
  Here is an example:
  The policeman collared him at the airport.
  The guy who collared by FBI Special Agent(特工) Peter Burke is Neal Caffrey. Neal is a highly intelligent, multitalented and skilled forger(伪造者) and thief(贼)。
  一位执着FBI的警察叔叔spend years study Neal and Finally collared him. 这位警察叔叔叫做Peter. He is a hard-working, honest(诚实) and also highly intelligent FBI agent.
  这位警察叔叔颜值虽不及wuli Neal 那般高,但看久了还是蛮帅的。He personally put Neal in prison and later hired Neal as a special consultant(顾问). However, Neal has to wear an ankle脚踝 monitor监视器 so Peter can find him whenever he wants.
  于是,这两位帅哥就基情四射的在技术宅Mozzie的帮助下,开始各种炫酷的办案了。By the way, 这部剧已经完结。大家可以一次看个够。
  And one point I has to mention is the name of this TV serials. White Collar 简直起的太有才了,既有白领,高级特工查案的意思,也暗指代表黑暗面的Neal被代表正义的Peter 给抓住了。
  The name of this TV Serials is a very good example why learning English is so important.只有了解了语言才能更好的看美剧,看帅哥啊。One last point, last one, I promise.看了此剧,被Neal颜值震撼舔屏的姑娘们,He has a husband.