英语悠选脱口秀 第104期:天才拯救世界(在线收听


  The key word is Scorpion S-c-o-r-p-i-o-n
  Scorpion 蝎子 天蝎
  A scorpion is a small creature which looks like a large insect(昆虫). Scorpions have a long curved tail尾巴, and some of them are poisonous有毒.
  Here is an example:
  The scorpion has a sting that can be deadly.
  The Scorpion we are talking about today is a group of pure genius. SCORPION 天蝎or 蝎子网络 is an American action drama television series based on the true story of Walter O'Brien. 整部剧是根据真实存在的Walter O'Brien 改编的。谁是Walter O'Brien呢?
  这个必须重点说说,一起膜拜一下Walter O'Brien was born in 1975 in Ireland. He grew up on a farm 农场.9岁时 靠给家里的农场打工 买了自己的计算机12岁时 父母给他买了一台电脑13岁时 用那台电脑 在爱尔兰小乡村 黑了美国国家航空航天局NASA And the reason he hacked NASA is reportedly just because he wanted a poster(海报) for his bedroom wall.
  他黑NASA时用的名字就是Scorpion剽悍的人生 不需要解释And he is known for claiming one of the highest IQs on record—197 at the age of 13. 197啊作为参考 爱因斯坦和霍金的智商都是160左右,这部剧就是根据他的故事改编的
  It tells the story of Walter O’Brien and his team.“My name is Walter O’Brien. I have the 4th highest IQ ever recorded-197. Einstein’s was just 160. When I was 11, the FBI arrested 逮捕 me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints蓝图 for my bedroom wall. Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling 解决 worldwide threats only we can solve 解决。Toby is our behaviorist 行为分析专家。Sylvester is a human calculator 计算机
  Happy is a mechanical prodigy 机械天才Agent Cabe Gallo is our government handler监管人And Paige? Paige is not like us. She is normal and translates 翻译 the world for us While we help her understand her genius son. Together, we are scorpion.”Together, We Are Scorpion!简直太酷了有木有这群智商爆表,情商不够用的天才们是如何拯救地球的。You have to watch it by yourself.剧里的男主也叫你看剧哦“Hey Scorpion Fans, This is me Elyes AK Walter.
  And we are back tonight with the new show. It’s going to be a storming one. So watch it! Bye”