英语悠选脱口秀 第107期:旅行记忆之回忆与前行(在线收听


  Today's key word is Memorial
  Memorial 纪念,纪念堂,纪念碑
  Something that is established to remind people of a person or an event.
  Here is an example:
  We visited the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.
  今天要说的这个故事,发生在2001年的一个早晨,Adriane wasn't feeling well that morning. She made a phone call at around 7am that day while she was on her way to work. Adriane 本可以请病假休息一天的。
  But she said on the phone that she was going to save a sick day(病假)for Halloween(万圣节). 城市的另一边住着Jimmy Jimmy and Gina were engaged(订婚了).They were going to be married(结婚). He was a fireman(消防队员). He had just graduated(毕业). He had been in the job for just six weeks. Before that he was a paramedic(伞兵军医,护理人员).
  He loved helping and rescuing people (救人)那天晚些时候 A couple of hours later, Two airplanes were hijacked(劫持)by terrorists(恐怖分子) and flew into the buildings where they were working. That day was Sep. 11th.
  那就是2001年9月11日早晨,19名劫机者控制了四架民航客机。上午8:46,飞机撞向了世贸中心北座大楼。Two planes were crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center(世贸中心)complex in New York City. Adriane, she was on the 101st floor of the building that day. Jimmy was a fireman. Eearly 3000 innocent people lost their lives that day.
  上周我去了美国旅行,I went to see the 911 memorial pool. It's opened on the 10th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center. It is a feat of engineering due to the powerful machinery that powers the site's signature waterfalls.这期节目的一些图片是我拍的一些911纪念池实景照片。Actually the pools are set in the footprints of the Twin Towers.
  There aren't any fountains this large in one place anywhere else in the country.专门设计的供热系统让这里的水永不结冰,平常会有来自各地的人们到这里纪念逝去的生命。Family members gather at the memorial; some pin flowers or origami(纸鹤) on the victims' names. 有一个对水池的意义很美好的解释:Water comes from the pool, and then it falls into the huge black hole. But the whole system is circulatory(循环的). The terrorists destroyed(摧毁) the buildings, but they cannot destroy the endless talent(人才)that emerges(出现)repeatedly(不断地). And the children of the victims will grow up. And hope never dies.
  有一个对水池的意义很美好的解释:Water comes from the pool, and then it falls into the huge black hole. But the whole system is circulatory(循环的). The terrorists destroyed(摧毁) the buildings, but they cannot destroy the endless talent(人才)that emerges(出现)repeatedly(不断地). And the children of the victims will grow up. And hope never dies.
  这里有一些亲人们缅怀遇难者的文字:“He was very outgoing, he loved his friends and he loved his job. He worked very hard, but played hard too. I didn't realize how many lives he's touched. Even today I'm hearing new stories and I'm reminded of the way he touched people. He was called to come and help, he went back in a second time ...” - Irene Lesiw for JAMES N. PAPPAGEORGE, FIREMAN“Joe was 22, and a graduate of Boston College. He had only been working for six weeks; he was training to be a trader. He was at the south tower on the 89th floor. He was so happy he got the job.”
  The water pool memorial 就像一个永远的伤口。是一个纪念,是一种记忆。 一触就痛。但它同时也是不能忘却的纪念。给人们慰藉,给人们力量前行。当我们拥有时,就好好相待。 没有人知道明天会发生什么,或者下一秒会发生什么。时间如白驹过隙,一生短暂。能拥抱时,就不要分离。能牵手时,就温柔对待。当分别时,就伴以前行。Come what may. Till death do us part. Carpe diem.