听歌学英语:我知道我爱你 I Knew I Loved You(在线收听

Maybe it's intuition 也许只是直觉
Somethings you just don't question 但是你从来不对此怀疑
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant 比如在你的眼中,我能看见立即看见自己的未来
I know that it might sound 我知道这听起来
More than a little crazy 有点疯狂
But I believe... 但是我相信...
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I think I dreamed you into life 我想你的身影早已入我的梦中
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I have been waiting all my life 我已用了一生的时光等待这美丽的邂逅
There's just no rhyme or reason 无缘无故
Only a sense of completion 只有感觉如此完整
And in your eyes, I see the missing pieces 在你的眼中,我找到丢失已久的部分
I can searching for, I think I can found my way home 我不停地寻找,我想我找到了通向心灵家园的路线
I know that it might sound 我知道这听起来
More than a little crazy 有点疯狂
But I believe... 但是我相信...
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I think I dreamed you into life 我想你的身影早已入我的梦中
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I have been waiting all my life 我已用了一生的时光等待这美丽的邂逅
A thousand angels dance around you 千万个天使在你的身边跳舞
I am complete now that I have found you 遇见你的那一刻我就知道你是我注定的另一半
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I think I dreamed you into life 我想你的身影早已入我的梦中
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I have been waiting all my life 我已用了一生的时光等待这美丽的邂逅
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I think I dreamed you into life 我想你的身影早已入我的梦中
I knew I loved you before I met you 我相信早在我们相遇以前,上天已经注定让我爱上你了
I have been waiting all my life 我已用了一生的时光等待这美丽的邂逅

歌词:Maybe it's intuition 也许只是直觉
Somethings you just don't question 但是你从来不对此怀疑
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant 比如在你的眼中,我能看见立即看见自己的未来
She had an intuition that her friend was ill. 她有一种直觉:她的朋友病了。
I had an intuition that I would find you. 我有一种直觉,我能找到你们。
Question ['kwest??n] ?n.问题;疑问?v.询问;怀疑
We must question your judgment in this matter. 我们必须怀疑你对这件事的判断。
Instant ['?nst?nt]  n.瞬间;立即 adj.立即的;即时的;速成的
Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.
I don't like to drink instant coffee.
(at) the instant 一…就…
He came the instant I called his name. 我刚一叫他的名字,他就来了。

歌词:I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life 我想你的身影早已进入我的梦中
讲解:看到这句歌词,不禁微微一笑。还没相遇,如何相爱?这是一句浪漫的情话,就像英文中的另一句表达:I miss you already,这句话用在分别的时候,意思是:还没有分开,就开始想念。
歌词中的dream是梦的意思。在英文中当我们说like a dream意思是:轻而易举,非常顺利。
The car goes like a dream. 那辆汽车开起来好极了。
The wedding celebrations went like a dream. 婚礼进行得非常顺利。

歌词:I have been waiting all my life 我已用了一生的时光等待这美丽的邂逅
There's just no rhyme or reason 无缘无故
讲解:Rhyme [ra?m] ?n.韵;押韵;韵文?v.押韵;用韵诗表达
Do you understand the rhyme of this poem? 你理解这首诗的韵吗?
rhyme or reason?n.逻辑(情理;秩序)
She got angry without rhyme or reason.她莫名其妙地生起气来。
His wife scolded him endlessly, without rhyme or reason.他的太太莫名其妙地骂他个不停。
