
   The newly formed Empire must be brought under the influence of the Greek mind. The people must be taught the Greek language-they must live in cities built after a Greek model. The Alexandrian soldier now turned school-master. The military camps of yesterday became the peaceful centres of the newly imported Greek civilisation. Higher and higher did the flood of Greek manners and Greek customs rise, when suddenly Alexander was stricken with a fever and died in the old palace of King Hammurabi of Babylon in the year 323.

  热爱希腊的亚历山大宣布,新建立的帝国必须置于希腊精神的影响之下。他要求自己的子民学习 希腊语,居住在按希腊样式建成的城市里。现在,亚历山大的士兵脱去甲胄,放下刀剑,变成了传播希腊文化的教师。昨天的军营成为了输入希腊文明的和平中心。希腊的风俗习惯和生活方式像席卷世界的洪水,一浪高过一浪。可就在此时,年轻的亚历山大突然遭到热病的袭击,于公元前323年死于汉谟拉比国王修筑的旧巴比伦王宫。
  Then the waters receded. But they left behind the fertile clay of a higher civilisation and Alexander, with all his childish ambitions and his silly vanities, had performed a most valuable service. His Empire did not long survive him. A number of ambitious generals divided the territory among themselves. But they too remained faithful to the dream of a great world brotherhood of Greek and Asiatic ideas and knowledge.
  They maintained their independence until the Romans added western Asia and Egypt to their other domains. The strange inheritance of this Hellenistic civilisation (part Greek, part Persian, part Egyptian and Babylonian) fell to the Roman conquerors. During the following centuries, it got such a firm hold upon the Roman world, that we feel its influence in our own lives this very day.