职场英文口语 第65期:写好邮件的必备用语(1)(在线收听

   Hello, Anna's just arrived at her desk to start the day at Tip Top Trading.

  你们好,安娜早上刚刚到了Tip Top Trading的工位上。
  Paul is walking towards her, eating a biscuit, he looks a bit bothered.
  Anna? Yes, Paul.
  安娜? 是的,保罗。
  Come and have a biscuit in my office. Now Anna, about Mr Lime. I didn't say yes!
  来我的办公室吃点饼干。那么安娜,关于Lime先生。 我没有同意。
  Pardon? Yes to what?
  Oh, nothing.
  You sent him an email yesterday and copied me in. Yes.
  你昨天给他发了一封邮件并且抄送给了我。 是的。
  Your email reads: boxes ok. pls c d u cfirm wnt 300 ta.
  Yes: please could you confirm you want 300.
  Right. Now that's not really the best way of writing an email to a client, is it?
  Please could you re send your message to Mr Lime, using actual words that make sense. Okay.
  请你用正规的用语再给Lime先生写封信。 好的。
  Thank you. Now here. Have a chocolate crunchy! Thanks.
  谢谢,这里,来一块巧克力饼干。 谢谢。
  Morning Anna. Hello.
  早上好,安娜。 你好。
  Let me guess, Paul just spoke to you about your email?