

Finn: Hello, I’m Finn. This is 6 Minute English and I’m joined this week by Neil. Hello Neil.

(Monkey sounds)

Finn: Err, Neil?

(Monkey sounds)

Finn: Neil, are you OK?

(Monkey sounds)

Finn: Actually that wasn't Neil, you'll be glad to know, he is safe and sound here in the

studio with me.

Neil: Hello. Yes, that wonderful sound you just heard was in fact a gelada – a kind of

monkey – which we'll be hearing more from later in the programme.

Finn: Yes. Could the gelada monkey provide an important clue about the development of

human language? But first, as always, we have a question. Neil – could you please

tell me what geladas eat?

a) fish

b) grass

c) ice-cream

Neil: Well, I can see you're trying to trap me with ice-cream here, because the name of

the monkey sounds like the Italian word for ice-cream. So, I'm not that stupid, I'm

going to go for 'b', grass.

Finn: Wonderful knowledge of Italian there Neil. Don't worry I'm not trying to make a

monkey out of you – I'm not trying to make you look stupid. Now let's listen to the

gelada monkey again. How would we describe that sound? 

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(Gelada monkey gurgling)

Neil: Well, it sounds a bit like a gargle – a gargling noise.

Finn: Yes, it does. Gargle is a great word because it's an example of what we call

onomatopoeia – a word which sounds like its meaning. Neil, gargle is the word,

could you please demonstrate a gargle?

Neil: (Neil gargles)

Finn: Very good. Neil is gargling – and the sound it makes is a gargle. That's lovely!

Neil: Can I stop now?

Finn: Yes, you can stop now. Thank you very much. How about another quick example of


(Clicks mouse)

A click. Listen again. Click.

Neil: Or this, oops:

(Crash sound)

A crash.

Finn: Now, anyway, let's get back to the gargling monkey. Behind the fun sound is some

serious science - about the origins, or beginnings, of human speech.

Neil: Scientists from the University of Michigan believe that these gelada calls might be

similar to the primitive noises – early and simple sounds – that our evolutionary

ancestors made, that is – what we, humans, were before we developed into modern


Finn: Dr Thore Bergman, who was the main author of the study, said that geladas make

sounds which have "speech-like properties" – they have qualities which are like…


Neil: And the interesting thing is – most monkeys and apes can only make the most basic

noises because they don't have the vocal anatomy required – that is they don't

have the physical mouth and throat parts needed – to make more complex sounds.

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Finn: All other monkeys and apes can do is called lip smacking – rapidly moving their

jaws, lips and their tongues. And I think, Neil, it's time for another demonstration


Neil: (Neil making lip smacking noises)

Finn: Lip smacking, very nice.

Neil: The gelada, on the other hand, is the only one that can produce vocalisations – or

sounds from the vocal chords in the throat while doing this.

Finn: That’s it! So – lip smacking and vocalisations – together are maybe a possible step

between the sounds of other monkeys – and human speech.

Neil: Though there is a question – the scientists don't know yet what the noises mean

exactly. They believe the noises might be used the way humans use small talk –

chatting about things that are not really important – to help the monkey societies

feel more closely bonded or connected.

Finn: That’s right, so, small talk, things like saying: "Fine day, isn't it?"

Neil: "Not bad, not bad. How are the kids, Finn?"

Finn: "Oh yeah, keeping me awake all night."

Neil: "Oh yes, I know the feeling."

Finn: Or as you would say in gelada:

(Gelada gargle)

Finn: I think that's quite enough monkey business for one day – quite enough of us

being silly, wouldn't you say? Neil, earlier I asked you what geladas eat. Was it:

a) fish

b) grass

c) ice-cream

Neil: And I am not stupid so I'm going to go for 'b' grass.

Finn: And you're right, they are herbivores, they eat grass. Anyway, before we go let's run

through the words and phrases one more time.

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Neil: gargle



primitive noises

evolutionary ancestors

vocal anatomy

lip smacking


small talk

monkey business

Finn: Thanks Neil. Sadly, it's time to go. So please join us again soon for more 6 Minute

English from BBC Learning English.

Both: (Gargle)
