【突破英文词汇】over -- too, over 太;超过(在线收听

1. overdose /ˈəʊvəˈdəʊs/
-- quantity of medicine beyond what is to be taken at one time or in a given period; too big a dose
Do not take more of the medicine than the doctor ordered; an overdose may be dangerous.
2. oversupply /ˈəuvəsəˈplai/
-- too great a supply; an excessive supply 
We have a shortage of skilled technicians but an oversupply of unskilled workers.
3. overburden /ˌəuvəˈbə:dn/
-- to place too heavy a load on; burden excessively; overtax
It would overburden me to have my piano lesson Thursday because I have so much homework on that day.
4. overestimate /ˌəʊvəˈestəˌmeɪt/
-- to make too high an estimate (rough calculation) of the worth or size of something or someone; overvalue
Joe overestimates the capacity of the bus when he thought it would hold 60; it has room for only 48.
5. overshadow /ˌəʊvəˈʃædəʊ/
-- to cast a shadow over; be more important than; outweigh
Their gaieties were overshadowed by the sad news.
6. overwhelm /ˌəuvəˈhwelm/
-- to cover over completely; overpower; crush
The department store guards were nearly overwhelmed by the crowds od shoppers waiting for the sale to begin.
7. overbearing /ˌəʊvəˈbeərɪŋ/
-- domineering over others;inclined to dictate
When the monior gave too many orders, the teacher scolded him for being overbearing.
8. overconfident /ˈəuvəˈkɔnfidənt/
-- too sure of oneself; excessively confident
I was so sure of passing that I wasn't going to study, but Dad advised me not to be overconfident.
9. overgenerous /ˌəʊvəˈdʒenərəs /
-- too liberal in giving; excessively openhanded
Because the service was poor, Mother thought Dad was overgenerous in leaving the waiter a 15% tip.