【突破英文词汇】un -- not 非(在线收听

1. unconcern /ˌʌnkənˈsə:n/
-- lack of concern, anxiety or interest; indifference
The audience is breathless with anxiety during the daring tightrope act, though the acrobats themselves performed with seeming unconcern for their own safety.
2. undeceive /ˌʌndiˈsi:v/
-- free from deception or mistaken ideas; set straight
If you think I can get Mr. Black to hire you because he is my cousin, let me undeceive you. I have no influence with him.
3. unnerve /ʌnˈnɜ:v/
-- deprive of nerve or courage; cause to lose self-control; upset
The unsportsmanlike noises of the fans so unnerved our star player that he missed two foul shots in a row.
4. unscramble /ʌnˈskræmbl/
-- do the opposite of scramble; restore to intelligible form
The previous secretary had mixed up the files so badly that it took my sister about a week to unscramble them.
5. unshackle /ˈʌnˈʃækl/
-- release from a shackle (anything that confines the legs or arms); set free from restraint
When mutinous sailors were put in irons in the olded days, nobody was allowed to unshackle them.
6. unabridged /ˌʌnəˈbrɪdʒd/
-- not abridged; not made shorter; complete
Though an abridged dictionary is convenient to use, it contains far fewer definitions than an unabridged dictionary.
7. unbiased /ʌnˈbaɪəst/
-- not biased; not prejudiced in favor of or against; fair
Don't ask the mother of a contestant to serve as a judge because it may be hard for her to remain unbiased.
8. unquenchable /ʌnˈkwentʃəbl/
-- not quenchable; not capable of being satisfied; inextinguishable
Many teenagers have an unquenchable thirst for adventure stories, they read one after another.
9. unwary /ˈʌnˈwɛəri/
-- not wary; not alert; heedless
An unwary pedestrian is much more likely to be strunk by a car than one who looks both ways and crosses with the light.