美国文化脱口秀 第444期:你知道元宵节英语叫什么吗?(在线收听

   祝大家元宵佳节快乐!这集节目,Jenny, Diana告诉你关于元宵节的一切英语!

  The Lantern Festival: 元宵节
  Lantern: 灯笼
  The 15th day of the lunar calendar: 正月十五
  Lunar calender: 阴历
  Lunar New Year: 春节(Chinese New Year)的另一种英语说法
  The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) celebration: 元宵节标志着春节庆祝的尾声
  Dumplings: 饺子、包子、汤圆......
  Anything wrapped in skin with filling inside can be called a dumpling: 总之,外面有皮包着,里面有馅儿的中式点心都能统称dumpling
  Skin/wrapper: 皮
  Filling: 内馅儿
  Sticky rice dumplings/soup dumplings: 汤圆
  Sticky rice/glutinous rice: 糯米
  Black sticky rice: 血糯米
  Black sesame: 黑芝麻
  Red bean paste: 红豆沙
  Purple potato: 紫薯
  Taro: 香芋
  Sweet: 甜的
  Savory: 咸的 (salty的意思是盐太多,所以形容咸的口味,用savory更准确)
  Minced pork: 猪肉糜
  Ground beef: 牛肉末
  通常熟的肉末用minced, 生的用ground.
  Innovative flavors: 创新口味
  Lantern riddle: 灯谜
  Guess the lantern riddle: 猜灯谜
  Clue: 谜面
  Answer: 谜底
  Word-guessing games
  Charades-use body language to act out the answer: Charades是通过肢体语言演出来的猜字游戏
  Taboo-describe the answer with words: Taboo这个游戏是用语言描述谜底
  But you can't use the answer word, it's a taboo: 当然不能用到谜底这个词,它是个ta boo (禁忌词)
  Rabbit lantern/rabbit-shaped lantern: 兔子灯
  Made of paper, wheels underneath, candle inside: 纸扎的,下面有轮子,里面放一根蜡烛
  Pull it around with a thread: 用绳子拉着
  Hand-made: 手工做的
  Very retro: 好怀旧