美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-01-13(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. President-elect Donald Trump is set to hold a news conference in New York on Wednesday, the first since he was elected. It comes amid unsubstantiated reports about supposedly damaging information about Trump collected by Russia. Trump on Twitter called the reports, "Fake News". 

2. President Obama went to Chicago to deliver his final speech as president. He urged Americans to get out of their bubbles and engage in politics. 

3. New Jersey senator Cory Booker is set to testify on Wednesday against senator Jeff Sessions, president-elect Trump pick for attorney general. Opponents are expressing concerns about Sessions' civil rights record. 

4. An avalanche dumped up-to15 feet of snow on interstate 70 in Colorado,  shutting down the street to the highway.  Nobody was hurt and the road has reopened. 

Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
