美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-01-18(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. Leaders and activities are gathering at sites across the country to celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Vice president-elect Mike Pence was seen visiting the MLK Jr. memorial in D.C after a  or a chance of reshuffle overcome marked the day. 

2. Police in Mexico say a gunman killed at least 5 people and wounded more than a dozen others on Monday at a nightclub in the caribbean coastal resort of Playa del Carme. Officials say the shooting was a result of disagreement between the people inside the nightclub. 

3. The International Monetary Fund is raising its forecast for the U.S economy this year and in 2018, reflecting its expected boosts for the economic policies of president-elect Donald Trump. The IMF also increases 2017 growth projection for China, Germany, Japan and Britain. 

4. And in Obama's final welcome to the White House for football stars, World Series Champion, the Chicago Cubs was celebrated for their first World Series Title since 1908. Obama had asked the team to stop by after their November win on Twitter before his term as president ends. 

Emily Roseman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
