美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-01-21(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. Donald Trump's company confirms his plan to expand its golf resort near Aberdeen, Scotland. Trump has vowed his company will do no new foreign deals while he is president. Some government ethnics lawyers say the project raises concerns about a possible conflict of interest.

2. A source says president-elect Trump will name former Georgia governor Sonny Perdue to be his agriculture secretary. Perdue has operated an agriculture business.

3. A newly elected West Virginia Sheriff resigned from his job and admitted in court that he is a meth addict. Former Roane county sheriff Bo Williams pleaded guilty in court to stealing the drug from a police locker. It was being used as evidence in a case. 

4. And snow and ice have left parts of Oregon and Washington dealing with power outages. Dozens of crashes were reported in Washington State’s Snoqualmie Pass. After snow, sleet and freezing rain made driver dangerous.        

Sandy Kozel,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
