美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-01-25(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1.  President Donald Trump is expected to meet with bipartisan congressional leaders at the White House on Monday. His agenda is expected to include health-care and tax reform. 

2. Severe weather is blamed for killing at least 18 people in the deep south over the weekend. At least 14 people were killed in south Georgia on Sunday, when intense fast moving storms and possible tornadoes moved across the state. 

3. Police in San Antonio, Texas say a man was shot and killed, trying to stop two suspects from fleeing a jewelry store robbery. Several people were injured. Two suspects were caught. 

4. And Major League baseball has lost one of its upcoming stars. Kansas city Royals pitcher Yordano Ventura died in a car accident in the Dominican republic. He was 25. 

Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
