美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-02-14(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. The U.S coast guide in Alaska planned to search through the night for a 98-foot fishing boat with 6 people aboard missing in the Bering sea. The coast guide said in a statement that an electronic locating device was recovered Saturday in "a debris field containing buoys, a life ring and an oil sheen". 

2. The head of the international monetary fund says president Donald Trump taking office is likely good for the U.S economy in the short term, but Christine Lagarde says rising interest rate and a strengthening dollar will challenge global trade while speaking in Dubai Sunday. 

3. German firefighters have evacuated hundreds of passengers in Hamburg airport after about 50 people were injured by an unknown hazardous material. Airport officials say all flights were halted for several hours due to the evacuation. But that air traffic was running again around 2 PM. 

4. Russia showed their creative side in the battle of snowman competition in the central Moscow park on Sunday. The unusual lack of snow by Russian standard didn't limit the participant's imaginations. 

Krysta Fauria, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
