美国文化脱口秀 第450期:中国人出国最不习惯的几件事(在线收听

   现在出国,当地生活比以前已经容易许多。但是,新移民、留学生又会遇到新问题、新挑战。今天,Jenny, Adam就说说中国人到国外最不习惯、最难适应的几件事。

  To get used to/get into the habit:适应、习惯
  Things that throw you for a loop: 让你不适应、不习惯的事
  Things that you never get used to: 有些事,永远适应不了
  Throwing out garbage: 倒垃圾、扔垃圾
  Should be a no-brainer:应该是再简单不过的事
  But there's a huge difference: 但是差异很大
  Recycling: 垃圾分类、再循环
  Garbage can/bin: 垃圾桶
  Confusing label: 标签有时让人很搞不清
  You need to deconstruct and recycle everything in the appropriate bin: 一件东西要拆解,扔到对应的分类垃圾箱
  Even locals get confused: 连外国本地人都搞不清
  You need to press a button to cross the road, especially on smaller roads: 过马路,特别是一些小马路,要先按一下按钮,才会跳行人灯
  Getting off buses: 下公车
  Pull the cord or press the bell to let the driver know you're getting off: 要拉绳、或者按铃,让司机知道你要下车
  On some buses, the driver won't open the door, you need to push the door to get off: 有些公车,司机不会控制下车门,要自己推开门
  Small talk & pleasantries with strangers: 和陌生人说话、寒暄
  One-on-one situations: 特别是一对一的情况下
  Elevator ride: 比如坐电梯,电梯上只有你们两个人
  Or cashier: 或者商店收银员
  "Hi, Hello"
  早上说:"Have a good day!"
  中午或下午说:"Enjoy the rest of your day!"
  晚上说:"Have a great evening!" 或者"Enjoy the rest of your evening!"
  "Have a good one!"
  Household electrical products: 家电
  Extremely cold fridge:冰箱特别冷
  Refridgerator: 正式
  Fridge: 口语
  Default temperature: 设置温度
  I didn't even freeze the food, but it comes out frozen with frost: 没放冷冻, 只是冷藏,东西就冻住、结霜了
  Food that Chinese typically don't eat raw: 中国人不生吃的东西, 外国人都生吃
  Broccoli: 西兰花
  Cauliflower: 花菜
  Mushroom: 蘑菇
  Foreigners love to snack on veggie with dip: 外国人很爱把这些蔬菜蘸酱,当零食吃
  We can make stir-fry: 我们中国人可以买来直接炒菜
  Saves time from washing and cutting: 省去洗、切的工序