
I'll take him back to Strelsau and you must get out of the country as fast as you can.'


'But what about the soldiers?Fritz asked.'They're Duke Michael's men,and they're coming to take the King back to Strelsau for the coronation.'


'We'll go before the soldiers get here,'Sapt said,'and we'll hide the King.'


He picked up the King in his arms and we opened the door.An old woman,Johann's mother,was standing there.She turned,without a word,and went back to the kitchen.


'Did she hear?'Fritz asked.


Don't worry.I'll make sure she can't talk,'Sapt said,and he carried the King away.


When he returned,he told us that he had locked the old woman in a room underground.The King and Josef were hidden in another room underground.


'Josef will take care of the King and tell him everything when he wakes up.Come,'he went on,'there's no time to lose.It's already six o'clock.'


Soon I was dressed in the King's clothes,the horses were ready and we were on our way.


As we rode through the forest,Sapt told me everything that he could about my life,my family,my friends,and the things I liked or did not like.


He told me what to do when we got there,and how to speak to different people.He was a wonderful teacher,and I listened hard.One mistake could mean death for all three of us.


It was eight o'clock when we arrived at the station and got on the train,and by halfpast nine we were in Strelsau.


And when King Rudolf the Fifth stepped out of the train,the people shouted,'God save the King!'


Old Sapt smiled,'God save them both,'he said quietly.'I only hope we are all alive tonight!'

