美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-03-13(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. President Donald Trump met Friday with the house representative committee leaders for aiding the drive to repeal and replace the affordable care act. Trump reiterated that action is needed now to save consumers from what he says is the coming Obama Care disaster. 

2. American-Indians and their supporters rallied outside the White House Friday, opposing the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline. A federal judge this week declined to halt construction of the final section of the $3.5 billion pipeline, meaning oil could begin flowing through it as early as next week. 

3. Environmental experts are checking for ethanal leaks after a fiery freight train derailment in northwest Iowa. Fire officials are letting the blaze burn itself out, but want to make sure the ethanal didn't leak from the 27 tanker cars that derailed. 

4. And three Malaysian Tiger cubs have an unlikely nanny at the Cincinnati zoo. It's Blakely, the Australian shepherd dog. The mother of the cubs ignored them since they were born last month. So the zoo and Blakely have to take over their care. 

Suzanne Yee Gaffney,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
