美联社新闻一分钟 AP 津巴布韦遭遇严重洪水(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

Police say a Sikh man is recovering after a gunman approached him as he worked on his car at a suburban Seattle driveway and told him to "go back to your country" before shooting him in the arm. Authorities in the city of Kent are searching for the shooter and have contacted the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.

Iraqi troops continued to push further into western Mosul on Sunday, launching a series of attacks against Islamic-State-group-held neighborhoods in the city. The push on Mosul's west was launched about two weeks ago after the eastern half of city was declared fully liberated in January.

Survivors of recent heavy floods in Zimbabwe have lost homes, property and their livelihood. Some communities have had bridges, roads, and farms destroyed, after suffering from intense drought for months. Floods have killed nearly 250 people in the country since December.

The sound of howling dogs filled downtown Anchorage as mushers from around the world gathered for the ceremonial start of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. About 2,000 dogs belonging to 72 mushers waited their turn to hit the trail Saturday.

Krysta Fauria, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
