英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0328 - 你相信课本里的故事都是真的吗?(在线收听

Topic 1-Who to blame if people hurt themselves while riding shared bikes?
The safety issue of shared bikes such as ofo bikes and mobikes, has attracted our attention. If a bike rider falls off the bike and gets hurt, will the company be held responsible for that?
Topic 2-Fake stories in textbooks
Recently, an article about the "fake" stories in the primary-school textbook on Chinese language has gone viral. Internet users say that they only realized many stories have factual mistakes after they grow up.
However, some experts argue that the purpose of the Chinese education is not to teach facts, but to appreciate the beauty of literature.
So what are these fake stories? Should they be allowed in the textbook on Chinese language?
Topic 3-Fashion in your eyes and in your mom's eyes
You think you are such a fashionista, wearing ripped jeans, low cut T-shirt, and smoky eyes. But your mom simply thinks you look like a tramp.
Your fashion versus your mom's fashion, why can't we agree on anything?                   