夏洛的网 第86期:威尔伯说大话(7)(在线收听

   "Everybody watch!" he cried. And summoning all his strength, he threw himself into the air, headfirst.

  The string trailed behind him. But as he had neglected to fasten the other end to anything,
  it didn't really do any good, and Wilbur landed with a thud, crushed and hurt.
  Tears came to his eyes. Templeton grinned. Charlotte just sat quietly.
  After a bit she spoke. "You can't spin a web, Wilbur, and I advise you to put the idea out of your mind.
  You lack two things needed for spinning a web." "What are they?" asked Wilbur, sadly.
  要结网你少了两样东西。” “什么东西?”威尔伯难过地问。