


  The social progress is not so much the improvement of tools as the sparkling minds of some geniuses.

  就算单词都认识,也很难理解not so much A as B,究竟是什么意思,想把它翻成“改进工具不如天才的灵机一动多”,又不是“人话”。

  读得多了,才发现,英语表达中有个很难的not结构.  这种结构有好多,都有一个共同特点,英语有not,中文没not, 或者反之,英语没有not,中文却是否定含义。


  I didn’t leave until 8 o’clock. 你不能翻译成“直到八点前,我没有离开”吧?可以你翻译成“到了八点我才走。”中文倒是顺了,可是not又在哪呢?这句话还算简单的,如果来一句“The complete written record of English didn’t exist until seventhcentury.”又是什么意思?“什么叫七世纪前,完整的英语书面记录没有存在?”其实应该是,“到了七世纪,才存在完整的英语书面记 录。”

  英语有not,中文无not, 或者反之,英语无not, 中文有not, 不习惯这些结构,阅读的速度怎么可能快?



  1)not…until, 以及it was notuntil +时间+that+句子其他成分

  2)no sooner had …than…以及Hardly…when…

  这 种结构没有什么挑战,看两遍也就会了。前者把not…until想成“才。。。就。。。)例如:It was not until 1945 that the World War II came to an end. (第二次世界大战直到1945年才结束。)。后者把no soonerthan, hardly when想成as soon as, 例如:Hardly had I entered when the telephone rang. (我刚进门,电话铃就响了。)


  1)  动词否定: fail todo something,overlook something, neglect something, ignore something,deprivesomebody of something, lack, 此类词汇的解释通常含有否定的内涵,但是中文感觉不到,看英语释义才行。比如fail to do的内涵是:If you overlook some problems, you don’t notice it, ordon’t realize how important it is. (Collins Cobuild Dictionary); 这些词汇的否定含义都藏在英语解释里,和中文释义关系不大。

  2)  形容词否定:如be farfrom being, 字面上是“远”,其实还是否定,如It is far from being a good solution.类似的还有:be short of等,还有一大堆un-,im-形容词否定前缀构成的派生词。


  这 就比较复杂了,需要慢慢积累。比如CharlesDickens就经常写一些这类的句子。不仔细读,就跟迷宫一样,比如,在Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿)的第三章,说到Oliver Twist的命运的时候,有这样一句话,It appeared, at first sight, not unreasonable to suppose,that, if he had entertained a becoming feeling of respect for the prediction ofthe gentle man in the white coat, he would have established that sage individual’s prophetic character, once and for ever, by typing one end of hispocket handkerchief to a hook in the wall, and attaching himself to the other. 天哪!Dickens到底在说什么呢?OliverTwist死了还是没死?它的死亡方式又是什么呢?你可以猜一猜!到了第八章,Dickens又写了一 个类似的句子,In fact, if it had not been for a good-hearted turnpike-man, and a benevolent old lady, Oliver’s troubles would have been shortened by the very same process which put an end to his mother’s;in other word, he would most assuredly have fallen dead upon the king’shighway. 这种语言风格比较“高冷”,如打哑谜,玩文字游戏,我们一起猜猜Dickens到底说的是什么?

  阅读理解里也出现一些如it is not uncommon that…It is not unusual that…,含义是it is common, itis usual?不过语气的强弱不同。


  比 如too…to,就是否定的内涵,I amtoo busy to visit my aunt. 但是too的前边加上一个not, 就不见得反应得过来,如You can’t learn too much. 到底是不能学太多,还是学得再多也不为过?再比如,英国大诗人William Blake在Chimney Sweeper系列中有一句,If you follow the God, you shall never want joy. 到底是不想快乐,还是不缺快乐?want的一个意思是:If you want something, you lack something(Collins Cobuild),所以这里WilliamBlake的意思If you follow the God, you shall never lack joy. 即“听从上帝的旨意,你就不缺幸福了.“

  再想一想英文字母表,一串dis-,一串mis-,一串mal-,一串im-, 一串un-,全是否定前缀,看吧,一时记不住,不看吧,受不了“良心”的谴责。

