美联社新闻一分钟 AP 埃及天主教堂遭遇自杀式袭击(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

At least 44 people were killed and 126 wounded after suicide bombers attacked two Coptic churches in Egypt, turning Palm Sunday services into scenes of horror and outrage. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Stockholm near the site of last week's truck attack for a memorial rally. Swedish authorities say the suspect was a rejected asylum seeker from Uzbekistan who eluded authority's attempts to deport him.

Fans lined up in St Louis before dawn to pay their final respects to music legend Chuck Berry, roughly 3 weeks after his death at age 90.

Christians celebrated Palm Sunday at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, marking the start of the Holy Week that leads up to Easter. The holiday commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem before his crucifixion.

Krysta Fauria, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
