美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-04-15(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1.  The U.S dropped its largest non-nuclear bomb on the side of Afghanistan. Military officials said Thursday the explosives hit a network of tunnels near the Pakistan border used by Islamic state fighters. The MOAB, or the Massive Ordnance Air Blast, packs 11-ton of explosives. It's the first time the weapon has been used in combat. 

2. A lawyer for the man who was dragged off from the United Airline flight this week says his client suffered concussion, broken nose and lost two front teeth. Dr. David Dao 's attorney gave a press conference in Chicago Thursday, he says Dao will probably sue over the incident. 

3. UN ambassador Nikki Haley is reading an anonymous vote to end the organization's peace keeping mission in Haiti after more than 20 years. The United Nation will scale back its present in the troubled country following the successful elections there. It will continue a temporary mission to help train Haiti's police force. 

4. And some engineering students at the University of Michigan unveiled a giant tribute to the Rubik's cube. The group built a 1500-pound version of the mechanical brain teasers. It is believed to be the largest one ever made. 

Robert Bumsted, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
