英语听力:自然百科 天竺鼠圣诞餐(在线收听


   Officials in the coastal Peruvian province of Callao on Monday hailed the guinea pig as a low-cost, low-fat alternative to a traditional turkey or roast pork Christmas dinner. Guinea pigs can feed seven or eight for just over 3 US dollars, according to a regional government official.

  “Well, these are typical dishes, not only in Peru but also in Chilacos. We have the Chilaco guinea pig, Akahatanbino guinea pig, the guinea pig with peanuts, baked guinea pig and a wide variety of traditional dishes. We are simply exchanging the pork or turkey for guinea pig.”

  The tiny cuts of white meat are often compared to rabbit and dark chicken.

  “This is a great change because we always have the traditional meat, which is turkey or pork. So in order to have some variety, we eat this animal which has very nutritious meat. It’s rich in protein and is cholesterol-free.”

  Called 'Cuy' in Peru, guinea pig is a stable source of income for farmers and holds an elevated place in Andean folklore. A painting of the Last Supper, hanging in the principle cathedral of the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco, depicts Christ and the 12 disciples dining on guinea pig.
