中国传媒大学英语电台 Radio CUC English 第274期(在线收听) |
Here in China, we have double eleven day, and in the US, Black Friday is another shopping festival. So, how crazy can people be when they see things like “50% discount” or “all for sale”? Today, bananas talked about their own experience on this topic. 双十一的余温已经过去,黑色星期五的海淘又开始了。关于双十一全民购物狂欢的话题,banana们有不同的看法,有人觉得没有必要,有人却是马云爸爸的死忠粉。所以双十一到底该不该买?该怎么买?来听听banana聊双十一吧。 |
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