异类之不一样的成功启示录 第173期:KIPP学校(在线收听

   KIPP seems like the kind of school in the kind of neighborhood with the kind of students that would make educators despair

  Except that the minute you walk to the door, it's clear that something is different.
  The students walk quietly down the hallways in single file.
  In the classroom, they're taught to turn and address anyone talking to them in a protocol known as "SSLANT":
  smile, sit up, listen, ask questions, and nod when being spoken to, and track with your eyes.
  微笑(smile)、直坐(sit up)、倾听(listen)、询问(ask questions)、说话前先点头示意、用眼神交流。
  On the walls of the school corridors are hundreds of pennants from the colleges that KIPP graduates have gone on to attend.
  Last year, hundreds of families from across the Bronx entered the lottery for KIPP's forty-eight fifth grade slots.
  It is no exaggeration to say that just over ten years into its existence, KIPP has become one of the most desirable public schools in New York City.
  What KIPP is most famous for is mathematics.
  In the south Bronx, only something like sixteen percent of all middle school students are performing at or above their grade level in math.
  But at KIPP, by the end of fifth grade, many of the students call math their favorite subject. In seventh grade, KIPP students start high school algebra.
  但是在KIPP,五年级末的学生都称数学是他们最喜欢的学科。 在七年级,KIPP的学生就开始学高中代数了。
  By the end of eighth grade, 84 percent of the students are performing at or above their grade level,
  which is to say that this motley group of randomly chosen lower-income kids from dingy apartments in one of the country's worst neighborhoods,
  whose parents, in an overwhelming number of cases, have never set a foot in college, do as well in mathematics as their privileged eighth graders of American's wealthy suburbs.
  "Our kids' reading is on point," said David Levin, who funded KIPP with a fellow teacher, Michael Feinberg, in 1994.
  They struggle a little bit with their writing skills. But when they leave here, they rock in math."