原汁原味商务英语播客 第71 课:捎口信(在线收听

   Welcome back to Business English Pod. This is the second part of our look at answering the phone and taking a message. In this lesson, we’ll focus on taking a message.

  We’ll look at ways to ask someone to leave a message, information that should be included in a message, and how to offer help. You will also learn how to acknowledge, check back and confirm information that a caller gives you.
  Now, let’s rejoin Mark, who works for a company called Trivesco. He is calling a shipping company, Daneline, hoping to speak with someone named Sylvie Petersen. Sylvie is not there, so Mark has to leave a message with Amy, the receptionist.
  现在,我们重新加入为Trivesco公司工作的Mark。他正在给船舶公司Daneline打电话,希望和叫作Sylvie Petersen的人说话。Sylvie并不在哪儿,所以Mark必须把信息让接待员Amy传话。
  Listening Questions:
  1. How does the tone of Amy’s voice sound?
  2. What information does Mark include in his message?
  3. How does Amy make sure she has Mark’s phone number correct?