绿箭侠第一季 第303期:制定行动计划(在线收听

   Set your sight. Hit the tree. 瞄准。射树。

  Probably hit a tree.  没射准那棵树
  Set your sight. Hit the tree. Steady your anchor point. 瞄准。射树。稳住瞄准点。
  I hope you're getting closer... At teaching him how to be a better marksman.  我希望你们走得,离教他成为神射手更近了
  It's not as though our lives depend on it or anything.  倒不是我们就指着这活呢
  Try again. Ok. What's this? 再试次。好。这是什么
  Lyla's mission profile on the trap they've set for Deadshot. 莱拉为死亡射手设埋伏的任务档案
  Lawton is set to meet his new employer and get his assignment tomorrow at 8 pm.  罗通计划明晚八点见他的新雇主,接受任务。
  Only, his new employer... Will be an A.R.G.U.S. agent.  只是,他的新雇主...会是进阶超能人类联合研究团的探员
  Lyla will then swoop in with her team and arrest him. 莱拉会带队趁虚而入,逮捕他
  Do you want Lawton arrested? No. 你想让罗通被捕吗?不想
  Then tomorrow night,we cross Floyd Lawton's name off your list.  那明晚,我们把弗洛伊德·罗通的名从名单上划掉。
  There is something else we need to look into.  还有些东西要查下
  Two of Laurel's clients were murdered last night. Their seven-year-old son barely escaped. 两位劳瑞尔的客户昨晚被害,他们7岁的儿子死里逃生。
  That's terrible.  真是太糟了。
  Edward Rasmus, the financial advisor Laurel was taking to court, 爱德华·拉斯马斯,那个劳瑞尔带上法庭的理财顾问
  may not have pulled the trigger, but he probably called in the hit.  可能没开枪,但他可能计划了抢劫
  I want you to get into his corporate accounts, phone records, anything that may link him to the killer, ok? 我想让你调查他的公司账户,通话记录,所有与犯罪有关的东西,行吗?
  Where are you going? Laurel's. Another friendly meal? 你去哪?劳瑞尔的家。又是一顿友情聚餐吗?