乔布斯传 第303期:劳伦·鲍威尔(5)(在线收听

   After their Thursday night dinner, she invited Jobs over to her Palo Alto apartment on Saturday. 他们在周四共进晚餐之后,她邀请乔布斯周六到她在帕洛奥图的公寓来。

  Kat Smith drove down from Berkeley and pretended to be her roommate so she could meet him as well. 凯特·史密斯开车从伯克利赶来,装作是她的室友,这样就也能见到他了。
  She recalled that their relationship became very passionate. "They would kiss and make out," Smith said. 她回忆说,他们的关系充满激情。“他们又是接吻又是亲热,”史密斯说,
  "He was enraptured with her. He would call me on the phone and ask, 'What do you think, does she like me?' “他为她着迷。他会打电话问我,‘你看怎么样,她喜欢我吗?’
  Here I am in this bizarre position of having this iconic person call me." 我处在多么奇特的位置啊,这个偶像级人物居然会这样给我打电话。”
  That New Year's Eve of 1989 the three went to Chez Panisse, the famed Alice Waters restaurant in Berkeley, along with Lisa, then eleven. 1989年的新年前夜,他们3个人一起去伯克利,到名厨爱丽丝·沃特斯开设的餐厅潘尼斯之家就餐。同行的还有乔布斯的女儿丽萨,当时她11岁了。
  Something happened at the dinner that caused Jobs and Powell to start arguing. 晚餐上发生的某件事引起了乔布斯和鲍威尔的争吵。
  They left separately, and Powell ended up spending the night at Kat Smith's apartment. 他们各自离去。鲍威尔留在凯特·史密斯的公寓过夜。
  At nine the next morning there was a knock at the door, and Smith opened it to find Jobs, 第二天早上9点钟,有人敲门,史密斯打开门,
  standing in the drizzle holding some wildflowers he had picked. "May I come in and see Laurene?" he said. 乔布斯站在那儿,手中拿着他采的一束野花。“我能进来见见劳伦吗?”他说。
  She was still asleep, and he walked into the bedroom. 她还在睡着,他走进卧室。
  A couple of hours went by, while Smith waited in the living room, unable to go in and get her clothes. 几个小时过去了,史密斯等在客厅里,没法儿进去拿衣服。
  Finally, she put a coat on over her nightgown and went to Peet's Coffee to pick up some food. 最后,她只好在睡衣外面披了件外套,去毕兹咖啡店买了些吃的。