职场英文口语 第166期:做消费者调查(2)(在线收听

   Did you hear that Marge? 你听到了吗,玛吉?

  She said it was 'unforgettable'! 她说了难以忘怀的!
  Looks like they're getting very serious… 看起来他们是认真的。
  You're such a gossip, Denise. 丹尼斯,你真是八卦。
  The only thing Anna is serious about is her new idea. 安娜唯一认真的就是她的新计划。
  How's it going Anna? 怎么样,安娜?
  I'm really excited about launching a new product, although Tom doesn't seem so keen. 我对发行新产品感到很兴奋,尽管汤姆并不是很上心。
  Don't worry about him. 别担心他。
  You need to concentrate on convincing Paul that your new idea will bring in the business. 你要集中精力说服保罗,你的新想法可以带来生意。
  But how? 但怎么做呢?
  You need to pitch the idea to him but before that, you need to do some research. 你要向他推销你的点子,但在这之前你得做一些调查。
  Yes, of course – research – but how do I do that? 是的,当然要做调查,但我要怎么做呢?
  Check out the competition, work out some costs and find out what new product people would really like to see. 查看对手,计算出成本,看看人们喜欢什么样的新产品。
  Why not do a customer survey? ! 为什么不做一下消费者调查?
  A customer survey. Right. 消费者调查,对。
  But what should I ask? 但我该问什么呢?
  Say: 'Could I ask for your opinion on a new product we are hoping to develop?' 比如说:“关于我们要开发的新产品,我可以问您点意见吗?”