职场英文口语 第167期:做消费者调查(3)(在线收听

   'What plastic products do you currently use?' 你们目前用的是什么塑料产品?

  'What products would you like us to make in the future?' 您希望我们未来可以为您制作出什么样的产品?
  'How do you feel about the idea of selling plastic vegetables?' 对于卖塑料蔬菜的想法,您怎么看?
  'Any particular vegetable you would like to see?' 您想看到什么特殊的蔬菜吗?
  OK, so it's like a questionnaire. 好的,就像问卷调查。
  I need to do some cold calling again! 我又要打一些无约电话了!
  Good luck! 祝你好运!
  I think I'm going to need some help with this. 我想我需要一些帮助。
  Tom, Denise, have you got time to help me… please? 汤姆,丹尼斯,你们有时间帮我一下吗?拜托。
  Of course Anna. 当然了,安娜。
  Yeah, well it's a bit tricky with my… ouch… sprained arm. 好的,对于我扭伤的手臂有点困难。
  But go on. As it's you. 但是因为是你就没关系。
  Thanks. 谢谢。
  We need to call up some companies and find out how interested they would be in buying plastic vegetables. 我们要给一些公司打电话,看看他们对购买塑料蔬菜有什么兴趣。
  Oh lovely. I love talking to people on the phone. 太好了。我最喜欢打电话。
  You certainly do Denise! 你肯定是这样的,丹尼斯。
  Good Denise. 很好,丹尼斯。
  If you work your way through our business directory, call our existing customers and ask these questions. 如果查看我们的企业名单的话,给现有客户打电话并问这些问题。
  I'll get onto it straight away. 我马上就办。