职场英文口语 第170期:做消费者调查(6)(在线收听

   How do you feel about the idea of selling plastic vegetables? 您觉得卖塑料蔬菜的主意怎么样?

  Any particular vegetable you would like to see? 你希望看到什么特殊的蔬菜吗?
  Let's find out how the team is getting on. 看看这个团队的进展如何。
  That was fun. 很有意思。
  I called 10 companies, asked them your questions – one man asked me out for dinner – anyway, I've created a database and put all the information there. 我给10个公司打电话询问了你的那些问题,其中一个男的还邀请我共进晚餐,总之,我建了一个数据库,把信息都写在里面了。
  Well I've called 20 companies and they all say plastic vegetables would be a great addition to their range… especially aubergines! 我给20个公司打了电话,他们都觉得塑料蔬菜是很好的附加产品,尤其是茄子!
  Great. Well, I had some success too so I'll put all the results in that database. 太好了,我也打成了几通电话,我会把所有结果都写在数据库里。
  Thanks everyone. 谢谢大家。
  Oh no… what's happened? 不,出什么事了?
  Denise! Denise! 丹尼斯,丹尼斯!
  Everything's disappeared off the computer! 电脑里的东西都没了!
  Hey, my computer's gone blank. 我的电脑也是一片空白。
  We've lost all our documents! 我们所有的资料都没了!
  Oh no a computer crash! 不,电脑死机了!
  Has Tip Top Trading lost all its valuable information? Tip Top Trading里有价值的信息都丢了吗?
  Find out next time in English at Work. Bye! 下次在“职场英语”里一探究竟吧,再见!