职场英文口语 第176期:电梯游说(1)(在线收听

   Hello and welcome to English at Work. 你好,欢迎回到“职场英语”。

  The company's computer system has been fixed and Anna seems to have found a new friend in Dave, the IT support man. 公司的电脑系统已经修好了,安娜似乎交到了一个新朋友,技术部门的戴夫。
  But her main concern now is pitching her new idea for a plastic aubergine, to Paul the boss. 但现在她最关心的是把塑料茄子的想法说给老板保罗。
  So Anna, that guy didn't really know what he was doing did he? 安娜,那家伙真不知道他到底在做什么,是不是?
  You mean Dave? 你是说戴夫?
  Dave – was that his name? 他叫戴夫吗?
  He had a really bad smell. 他身上的味好难闻。
  No he didn't. He's done a great job. 不,才没有,他做得很好。
  Look everything is working so, if you don't mind, I think we should get this pitch for Paul finished. 一切都好了。如果你不介意,我们该向保罗推销宣传了。
  You'd better hurry up. 你们最好快点。
  Paul's taking the afternoon off to go to his biscuit lovers' convention. 保罗下午要去他的饼干爱好者大会。
  Oh right. Well, we might as well leave it until tomorrow then Anna. 好的。我们最好明天再去做,安娜。
  No Tom. 不行,汤姆。
  There's no time like the present – I heard someone say that once – we've got to get our idea to Paul as soon as possible. 机不可失,时不再来。我听别人这么说过。我们要尽快把想法告诉保罗。
  Then we might have time for a drink, or shall I ask Dave? ! 然后我们可能有时间去喝一杯,我要叫上戴夫吗?
  No, no, you're right. 不,你说的没错。
  Look, I'll design some pictures of the aubergine and you get the results of our survey together, yeah? 我设计一些茄子的照片,你整理出研究结果,好吗?