职场英文口语 第182期:如何领导他人(2)(在线收听

   I'll just get her… get better soon Paul. 我去找她,快点好起来,保罗。

  Anna, Anna, it's Paul on the phone, he wants to speak to you – sounds important. 安娜,保罗打来电话了,他想跟你说话,听起来很重要。
  Me? Oh right, can you transfer the call please? 我?好的,请把电话转来吧。
  Hello Paul, are you OK? 你好,保罗,你还好吗?
  Not really. 不太好。
  Damn Garibaldi biscuit got wedged in my throat, ended up banging my head on a table trying to get it out. 该死的葡萄干饼干卡在了我的喉咙里,最后我得用头撞桌子才把它弄出来。
  Oh dear, so you're not coming to work today? 上帝,所以你今天不来上班了?
  I'm afraid not, I need to rest for a few days so I was wondering, in fact I'm asking you, could you act up? 恐怖不行了,我需要休息几天,所以我想知道,我其实想问你,你能代理一下职位吗?
  I've told you before Paul, I can't act… or even sing. 我跟你说过,保罗,我不会表演或唱歌。
  No, no Anna. 不,安娜。
  Act up, I mean do my job for a bit – be the boss – just for a day or two. “Act up” 我的意思是代理我的职位,当一两天老板。
  Me? ! Be the boss? ! 我?当老板?
  What? ! 什么?!
  It's quite easy really. 这真的很简单。
  Just check my diary and you'll see what needs doing. 看看我的日志,你就知道要做什么了。
  And if you have any problems just… erm… just ask Denise.Thanks Anna. 如果有任何问题就问丹尼斯。谢谢,安娜。